Good morning!  I haven’t participated in Musing Mondays in a while.  So here goes.

Here are some prompts:

I’m currently reading…
Up next I think I’ll read…
I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
I can’t wait to get a copy of…
I wish I could read ___, but…
I blogged about ____ this past week…

THIS WEEKS RANDOM QUESTION: Have you ever read a book that changed your life?


Currently Reading:  When We Were Worthy, by Marybeth Mayhew Whalen: A win brought them together, but loss may tear them apart.



I am enjoying this one so far, but there are a lot of characters, so I am taking notes, and sometimes have to refer to them to know which character’s voice I’m reading.

What are you reading or thinking about on this Monday?


Please leave your thoughts. Comments, not awards, feed my soul. Thanks!

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