Good morning!  Welcome to our Friday memesBook Beginnings, hosted by A Few More Pages; and The Friday 56, hosted by Freda’s Voice.

For our beginnings, we share a couple of opening sentences from our book; then we can talk about our reactions.

For the 56, we turn to that page, pick a sentence or two from somewhere on the page, and then share the book title and author.

My book today is from my Old TBRs, graduated to the short list of current reads.    Child of Silence, by Abigail Padgett, is a tale of mystery; a story of child abuse.

Amazon Description: Assigned to the case of a young boy found abandoned near a local Indian reservation, child abuse investigator Bo Bradley realizes that there are people intent on killing the boy under her charge.


Beginning:  Wisps of fog drifting through the open balcony doors of Bo Bradley’s San Diego beach apartment wafted aimlessly and then evaporated.

This is an intriguing opening that sets the mood of a mysterious tale.  The reader can feel the setting in which events take place.

P. 56:  It was going to be bad news.  She could tell from the grim tenor of his voice.


Now I’m very eager to begin this one, which is on my current stack of reads.

What did you find today?  I hope you’ll stop by and share.

26 thoughts on “FRIDAY MEMES: BEGINNINGS & 56 – JAN. 21

      1. I take my hat off to you, not a job I could even begin to contemplate doing. I would become far too emotionally involved with my cases and in this day and age, with resources being cut back as they are, I would be terrified of someone slipping through the net, with potentially disastrous consequences.


  1. Great atmospheric opening line and a heart-stopping line from page 56.

    This is another new author to me, but certainly one which I think I would enjoy. I checked out the synopses on some of her books and the storylines all sound intriguing, definitely needs adding to my ‘wish list’

    Thanks for the recommendation


    1. I haven’t read this author before, Yvonne, but I was doing a book signing a couple of years ago, and since I had this career as a social worker, another author tipped me off to this one. So the book has been on my stacks for awhile; now I’m happy to read it.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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