Welcome to another Theme Thursdays, hosted by Reading Between Pages.

Every week, we grab a book and find excerpts that follow a theme.  Then we link up at our host’s site.

Today’s Theme:

FEELING (Happiness, sadness, surprise, etc )


I’ve chosen a book that I recently acquired and which is on my reading list for this week.  The Love Children, by Marilyn French, was her final book and fictionalized a time when feminism was making its “second wave,” with all the struggles, joys, and successes.  The book centers around the lives of girls and women in the 60s and 70s.


I gleaned my sense of happiness from books, especially from the pictures in them, and from glimpses of my own family at charmed moments, like when my father spoke with love in his voice or my mother made an affectionate gesture toward him.  Such things filled me with as much happiness as drinking a glass of chocolate milk.  p. 10


I hope you all will stop by and share your own “feelings” excerpts.

18 thoughts on “THURSDAY SPARKS — THEMES — SEPT. 15

    1. Yes, I hadn’t even thought about this author, except in terms of The Women’s Room, which I read a long time ago. Then I saw mention of her name on a blog and checked out Amazon for more books. Thanks for stopping by, Bev.


  1. I read The Women’s Room long ago too – I think it was the only one of hers I read. Always nice to see the older publications given a mention. Lovely snippet – books and family sure do bring happiness.


    1. Yes, this morning I was visiting blogs and saw books by Daphne Du Maurier that I read in high school…Rebecca, Jamaica Inn, and Frenchman’s Creek. Now I want to reread them!

      Thanks for stopping by, Cat. I loved The Women’s Room.


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