Good morning, and welcome to A Bit of Me (Me), hosted by 1st Daughter, at There’s A Book.

Each week, we share bits and pieces of ourselves aside from our books and our blogging, guided by a prompt.

This week’s question:


Oh, my, there are so many, and this is certainly the time of year when we indulge the sweet tooth.

I love chocolate, so naturally, my favorite cookie is the chocolate chip.  And there are many delectable looking offerings, like these:

Mrs. Fields Cookies

Or how about these?

A Plate of Chocolate Chip Cookies

These look good enough to eat, don’t they?  Too bad that they’re “virtual cookies.”

What are some of your favorites?  I hope you’ll stop by and tempt me with them.

9 thoughts on “A BIT OF ME (ME) — FAVORITE COOKIES – DEC. 4

  1. I love sugar cookies. Homemade only. Love the background of your blog. I feel like I’m at an old fashioned cafe with books to look at in the window after eating a lunch with grilled cheese and a salad.


    1. Oh, thanks, Tea….I like playing with blog backgrounds and headers…it feels like I’m decorating a room, without the cost. LOL

      Sugar cookies are delicious….It is so hard to pick just one, isn’t it?


  2. Oh, I love your new background! So cute!

    I really love Mrs. Fields cookies, but they don’t have them near us. Weird right? I grew up with them and it was always a treat to go to the mall because I knew there was a chance we’d get a cookie from there.

    And you absolutely cannot go wrong with a chocolate chip cookie! My father-in-law is currently in the process of trying to perfect the recipe and we are all enjoying the spoils of his efforts. Love it!


    1. Thanks, Danielle…I love playing around with themes, backgrounds, and headers.

      And as for the cookies, what a treat it is when someone is baking over and over again to achieve some goal…and the spoils go to the family members near by! LOL


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