Welcome to Cat Thursday, hosted by Michelle, at The True Book Addict.  Check out her special post today about the plight of animals in war-torn Egypt.

Because of the serious thoughts I’m now having about the poor cats abandoned in Egypt, I have chosen to post a photo of a cat who is loved and cherished.  Something all animals deserve.  This photo of my grandson’s cat Stewie, with his beloved friend Noah, tells a story of its own.


What would you like to share today?  I hope you’ll stop by and leave a link.

8 thoughts on “CAT THURSDAY — FEB. 17

  1. I’m so sorry it took me a week to stop by! I’m so glad I did, even if I am late. What a precious picture! It’s so lovely to see children with their beloved pets…how much they love them. My first pet was a cat (Caramel Drop…named for a kitty from a book, of course!) and I have always had cats…dogs too, but cats were always the mainstay and still are. Thanks for sharing that awesome pic, Laurel. 🙂


    1. I have enjoyed animal naming over the years…we once had a cat named Cleopatra, a calico, and she was very snooty; we had an orange cat named Sebastian; and my daughter has had animals she named after rock stars, like Janis Joplin. Stewie, pictured above, was named after ???

      Thanks for stopping by, Michelle.


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