Ready to spark some creativity as you search through your books for sparkling themes?

Today our host, at Reading Between Pages, has offered the following guidelines again, leading up to our theme!


Theme Thursdays is a fun weekly event that will be open from one thursday to the next. Anyone can participate in it. The rules are simple:

  • A theme will be posted each week (on Thursday’s)
  • Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
  • Mention the author and the title of the book along with your post
  • It is important that the theme is conveyed in the sentence (you don’t necessarily need to have the word)
    Ex: If the theme is KISS; your sentence can have “They kissed so gently” or “Their lips touched each other” or “The smooch was so passionate”

This will give us a wonderful opportunity to explore and understand different writing styles and descriptive approaches adopted by authors.

This week’s theme is



I’ve grabbed a book from my stack for next week:  Girls in White Dresses, by Jennifer Close.


A Review:  “Mixed in with the trials and tribulations of the protagonists are humorous vignettes from the lives of some of their other friends and acquaintances—many of whom are on their way to the altar or trying to find a way to get there. . . . Reminiscent of Melissa Bank’s The Girls’ Guide to Hunting and Fishing. It is modern and funny, with original, wry observations. Close’s debut novel will appeal to both fans of contemporary women’s fiction with a hip vibe and readers who enjoy old-school chick lit.” —Library Journal (starred review)


Isabella went to the bar and ordered shots for herself and Mary.  “Here,” she said, handing it to her.  “No excuses.  This is a time of mourning.  We’re never going to live together again.”

“Don’t say that,” Mary said.

“It’s true,” Isabella said.  She could feel herself getting sentimental, which she always was.  Sometimes she missed people before they even left her, got depressed about a vacation being over before it started.  p. 27


What sad or depressing excerpts did you find?  Come on by and share!

8 thoughts on “THURSDAY SPARKS — THEMES! — SEPT. 29

  1. I liked the snippet you chose, it is unique for this week’s theme. And obviously the cover design is a show stopper 🙂 I am adding a lot of books to my TBR this week, but what the heck .. we are book addicts after all 🙂


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