Good morning, and welcome to Teaser Tuesdays, hosted by Should Be Reading.

Every week, we celebrate bookish moments by sharing excerpts from our current reads.

Here’s how it works:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Today’s selection is one I received in the mail last week, but I’m going to want to read this one very soon.

The Long Road Home, by Mary Alice Monroe, is the story of one woman’s journey toward pulling her life back together after her husband’s suicide.

Here’s a blurb from Amazon:

Her husband’s suicide left Nora MacKenzie alone, and his shady Wall Street dealings left the Manhattan socialite penniless. By a miracle she’s held on to their mountainside farm—and she’ll keep holding on, no matter what. The property is Nora’s one chance to wring some dignity out of the sham she’s been living.

The Vermont locals think she’s a city girl on a nature kick, but she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. Nora’s serious about learning the farming business…if she can figure out where to begin. Against the locals’ skepticism, she has only one ally: Charles “C.W.” Walker.

C.W. is hardworking, gentle with the animals and a patient teacher of the hundreds of chores Nora needs to learn. Slowly she starts to believe she’ll survive in her new life, even flourish. She might even be willing to open her heart again. But she won’t return to a life of lies…and the truth about C.W. may be more than Nora’s fragile heart can bear….


Teaser:  For a moment their eyes met and revealed their private yearning for a home and a family and a simpler life.  Then they both quickly averted their eyes, as though they had both opened a hidden box and exposed their most private secret, before snapping it shut again in fear it would be stolen. p.89


Well, now I can’t wait to find out more.  What did you discover within your pages today?  I hope you’ll stop by and share….


  1. Mary Alice Monroe is wonderful. I’ve read maybe two or three of her books. She’s a nice person too. I love your Teaser. You’ve got a yummy one here. Know you can’t wait to dig in. I adore your header too.


  2. sally906

    Thankyou for stopping by my teaser – have returned the visit and am glad I did – great teaser – hope the whole book follows through on its teaser for you


  3. Thanks for reminding me about this book, Laurel. It had caught my eye before thinking it was a story I’d enjoy. On the ever growing list now.

    My TT was posted late last night. It’s a review of Susan Vreeland’s “Passion of Artemisia”. Link: Summit Musings


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