Good morning all!  Welcome to another edition of Saturday Snapshot, hosted by Alyce, At Home With Books.

My creative sparks have been flying all week as I’ve gathered photos from various places.  Now…I just have to decide which ones to present today.

Okay….here goes.  My two granddaughters are both fourteen, and at that age when they really enjoy babies.  So I’ve chosen pictures of each of them with a special baby in their lives.

Aubrey is posed here with her baby brother, Silas, who just celebrated his first birthday.

And Fiona is holding a relatively new one, who belongs to a friend of hers.

When I see them holding babies, I get that little lump in my throat…the one that reminds me that in a few years, they’ll be all grown up.  Where does the time go?

Here are Aubrey and Fiona when they were MUCH younger.

Aubrey and Fiona - age seven

So now that I’ve walked down memory lane for a bit, I’m eager to visit all of you and see what you’ve captured today.


    1. Doesn’t it? I loved the week we spent in my son’s cabin in Big Bear…and was so happy to capture this photo. My granddaughter Fiona hadn’t been to the snow that often before this trip. Thanks for stopping by, Smellincoffee.


  1. Yes, it goes so quickly, doesn’t it? I love seeing my sons interacting with babies and small children. It makes my heart beat faster getting a glimpse of the wonderful fathers they may one day become.


    1. Exactly! With the girls, I hope that the day doesn’t come too soon, though. But I’m sure they’ll get lots of baby love from friends’ children and other relatives. But the practice is good….thanks for stopping by, Trish.


    1. Yes, that is funny, isn’t it? I’ve never actually met Silas, except in pictures, since he isn’t my grandson (new marriage for the mom). But he feels like part of the family. Thanks for stopping by, Bev.


    1. I know what that feels like, too, since my sister was born when I was thirteen (just like Aubrey with her baby brother). They do feel like “our kids” when we’re that much older. Thanks for stopping by, Alyce.


    1. Yes, I’ve been known to photograph food, too; and I often photograph my collectibles and my room rearrangements…LOL

      I do enjoy the kids, though, and it is fun to see them at different stages. Thanks for stopping by, Sheila.


    1. Yes, I like their names, too. I had never heard of Aubrey for a girl at the time she was born…but since then, I’ve been noticing it more. And Fiona seems to crop up a lot…mostly for English, Scottish, or Irish girls. Thanks for stopping by, Lisa.


    1. Thanks, Nise. I do love looking at new pictures of them, especially when I don’t see them all the time. I see Fiona more, since she lives in the same city as I do. But as a teen, her social calendar is often full!

      Glad you could stop by. When the kids leave the nest, we have to wait awhile…and then the grandkids come.


    1. My youngest grandson is eight…so the baby stages are over. But since my oldest grandkids are sixteen…there won’t be that many years until the “great-grands” arrive…egads! Thanks for stopping by, Vicki.


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