


Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea; and Teaser Tuesdays hosted by A Daily Rhythm.

Today’s featured book is Truth Be Told, (e-book), by Hank Phillippi Ryan (A Jane Ryland Novel).




Intro:  “I know it’s legal.  But it’s terrible.”  Jane Ryland winced as the Sandovals’ wooden bed frame hit the tall grass in the overgrown front yard and shattered into three jagged pieces.  “The cops throwing someone’s stuff out the window.  Might as well be Dickens, you know?  Eviction?  There’s got to be a better way.”

Terrible facts.  Great pictures.  A perfect newspaper story.  She turned to TJ.  “You getting this?”

TJ didn’t take his eye from the viewfinder.  “Rolling and recording,” he said.

A blue-shirted Suffolk County sheriff’s deputy—sleeves rolled up, buzz cut—appeared at the open window, took a swig from a plastic bottle.  He shaded his eyes with one hand.


Teaser:  The glowing green numbers of the clock on her nightstand clicked ahead.  After eight thirty?  Jane frowned.  Her cell phone was in her yoga pants pocket, silent.  Not even a text.  Where was Jake? (p. 74).


Blurb:   Truth Be Told, part of the bestselling Jane Ryland and Jake Brogan series by Agatha, Anthony, Mary Higgins Clark, and Macavity Award-winning author Hank Phillippi Ryan, begins with tragedy: a middle-class family evicted from their suburban home. In digging up the facts on this heartbreaking story–and on other foreclosures– reporter Ryland soon learns the truth behind a big-bucks scheme and the surprising players who will stop at nothing, including murder, to keep their goal a secret. Turns out, there’s more than one way to rob a bank.

Boston police detective Jake Brogan has a liar on his hands. A man has just confessed to the famous twenty-year-old Lilac Sunday killing, and while Jake’s colleagues take him at his word, Jake is not so sure. But he has personal reasons for hoping they’ve finally solved the cold case.
Financial manipulation, the terror of foreclosures, the power of numbers, the primal need for home and family and love. What happens when what you believe is true turns out to be a lie?
What do you think?  Are you curious?  Engaged?  Want to know more?  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Literary Feline

    I can’t believe I haven’t started this series yet. It sounds like something I would really enjoy. I have read some of her other books and liked them quite a bit. The intro and teaser you shared pulled me right in, Laurel-Rain.


  2. Suzie Quint

    I’m a little surprised to find myself intrigued. I’m not big on mystery series (blame Sue Grafton for that) but this sounds like it has strong characters.


    1. Wow! That is a coincidence…and I hope to catch up on the ones I’ve missed, Margot. Enjoy yours! And yes, I also liked the character development…Jane and Jake were so memorable that I can’t wait to keep reading about them.


  3. i haven’t read this author, but it sound like a good story. I wonder if the book would standalone even though it is part of a series. Probably I would have to read them from the start…..I’m weird, like that!


    1. Oh, I know what you mean, Joy, but what I liked about the first one I read in this series…I think you can read them out of order and you probably don’t have to read them all. LOL. Thanks for stopping by.


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