Today I’m participating in Sam’s WWW Wednesdays Here’s how it works:


The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next, and/or what are you eagerly awaiting?



Deciding my current read was challenging.  After finishing a convoluted thriller, however, I chose something completely different.

So I have selected #GirlBoss, by Sophia Amoruso,  the New York Times bestseller that the Washington Post called “Lean In for misfits,” in which Sophia Amoruso shares how she went from dumpster diving to founding one of the fastest-growing retailers in the world.




(Click the titles for my reviews)

He Said, She Said (e-book), by Erin Kelly (NetGalley – 6/6/17)


Secrets in Summer, by Nancy Thayer (Amazon Vine Review)


Into the Water (e-book), by Paula Hawkins




Next week, White Fur (e-book), by Jardine Libaire, will be released.


Blurb:  A stunning star-crossed love story set against the glitz and grit of 1980s New York City
When Elise Perez meets Jamey Hyde on a desolate winter afternoon, fate implodes, and neither of their lives will ever be the same. Although they are next-door neighbors in New Haven, they come from different worlds. Elise grew up in a housing project without a father and didn’t graduate from high school; Jamey is a junior at Yale, heir to a private investment bank fortune and beholden to high family expectations. Nevertheless, the attraction is instant, and what starts out as sexual obsession turns into something greater, stranger, and impossible to ignore.
The unlikely couple moves to Manhattan in hopes of forging an adult life together, but Jamey’s family intervenes in desperation, and the consequences of staying together are suddenly severe. And when a night out with old friends takes a shocking turn, Jamey and Elise find themselves fighting not just for their love, but also for their lives.
White Fur follows these indelible characters on their wild race through Newport mansions and downtown NYC nightspots, SoHo bars and WASP-establishment yacht clubs, through bedrooms and hospital rooms, as they explore, love, play, and suffer. Jardine Libaire combines the electricity of Less Than Zero with the timeless intensity of Romeo and Juliet in this searing, gorgeously written novel that perfectly captures the ferocity of young love.


What did your week look like?





  1. Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads

    I’m still trying to decide if I want to read Into the Water. I read The Girl On the Train several months ago and wasn’t the biggest fan, but I still liked it enough to maybe pick up more by Paula Hawkins. But I’ve been seeing mixed reviews for this one, so I’m undecided, haha. It may end up being a library read for me 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is hard to read a book with mixed reviews….and I did love The Girl on the Train, so I gave it a try, of course. I had some issues with the multiple narrators thrown at us from the beginning, a new one in every chapter….and then they settled down, fleshed out, and I couldn’t stop reading it. But I didn’t LOVE it. Thanks for visiting, Kourtni.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads

        Hmm, yup sounds like it’s going to be a library read for me, haha. Glad to hear you enjoyed it even with the problems in the beginning 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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