Good morning, and welcome to our meeting place where we share bits and pieces of our lives aside from books and blogging.  Hosted by There’s A Book, we are prompted each week by a question.

Here’s today’s question:

Have you ever seen a Broadway musical? Do you like theater?
Well, I certainly would have loved going to a Broadway musical, but since I haven’t been to New York yet, I’d have to say no to that one.  However, I have seen musicals and plays in San Francisco and LA.  While I was still in high school, I saw a play called Sunrise at Campobella, about the late Franklin Roosevelt.
Then a few years later, I saw a musical production of Camelot, also in SF.  I was very impressed.
In LA, I saw a production of Annie, and bought an Annie doll afterwards for my daughter.  I liked it more than she did, and I still have it.
Annie Doll – Sitting Atop My Creations
Someday, I will definitely see a Broadway musical.  That one is on my wish list.
What about the rest of you?  Do you love musicals?  By the way, I have the soundtrack for the movie Mama Mia, and it makes me dance.