This week is Book Blogger Appreciation Week!  What an event this is turning into…like most blogging events.

As we all know, there are infinite numbers of bloggers out there.  So how to connect with even a small portion of them?  Well, taking part in these events is the first way.

My adventures as a blogger began last year, around June, when I joined a little networking site (not so little, actually!) called Book Blogs.

Sheila's Iconic Coffee Cup

There I met a fantastic blogger whom I’ll be shouting out about today.  Sheila, of Book Journey, connected with me there and I visited her blog.  I was very excited to discover Word Press, as I was looking around for alternatives at the time.  And Sheila was so helpful in mentoring me about some of those “how-to” issues.

She posted an interview with me and featured my book Miles to Go.

But why I keep going back to visit everyday has a lot to do with her warm, welcoming attitude and her Morning Meanderings. I always want to have my own coffee cup handy when I start reading.  She shares about her life, her adventures, and posts lots of interesting photos.

One time she even posted photos of her wonderfully cheery kitchen.  Now I felt as though I was actually visiting.

Her giveaways, her book reviews, and her energy—all of these aspects to her blogging mojo attract and bring in the visitors.

Not to mention her It’s Monday meme!

So I’m very happy that I discovered her blog, and while I’ve also visited many other blogs out there that I enjoy, hers was the “first treasure” I found.

Click on the BBAW picture above to join in the fun!


  1. I discovered Sheila’s blog some time ago before I got into book blogging regularly, just started reading her posts again. I like that she is one person I can count on to always have a post up in the morning because of her meanderings!


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