Good morning, and welcome to our Friday memes: those that feature Book Beginnings, hosted by A Few More Pages; and the excerpts we share in The Friday 56, hosted by Freda’s Voice.

I am also posting daily for NaBloPoMo (check it out!), and the theme is “family connections,” which my book today will spotlight.

For our beginnings, we excerpt opening line(s) and mention our reactions to them.

For Friday 56:

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56.
*Find any sentence that grabs you.
*Post it.
*Link it here.


So, here we go!

Today’s book has been on my stacks for a long while, but I first enjoyed this author many years ago in an Oprah pick.Ā  Billie Letts brings us another promising story in Made in the USA.

Here’s a tidbit from Amazon:

Letts’s tale of two children who set out on a voyage to find their father after his hefty ex-girlfriend, the children’s guardian, falls dead in a Wal-Mart, is a moving coming-of-age tale. Cassandra Morris is amazingly strong in her delivery, giving a tremendous performance in which her fresh voice is perfectly suited for 15-year old Lutie. Her reading is clear and well paced, and her habit of rushing her words at times serves as an endearing character trait; she can do no wrong here. Her performance is a genuine one that will move audiences with its honesty and passion….

Beginnings:Ā  Lutie McFee struggled into the too tight red, sleeveless turtleneck, smoothed it across her ribs, then checked herself out in the mirror of the Wal-Mart dressing room.

From this beginning, I have an image of a young person trying hard to make a good impression, but knowing the odds may be against her.

56:Ā  “How do you know we aren’t here because of the police?Ā  How do you know this isn’t a setup, that we’re not wearing a wire?

So…now I’m really eager to dive into this one, and wondering why I left it to languish on my stacks all this time.

What did you find today?Ā  I hope you’ll pop on over and share.

20 thoughts on “FRIDAY MEMES: BEGINNINGS & FRIDAY 56 — JAN. 7

  1. That first line sounds so innocent, but from reading the additional blurb, it seems as if there is a whole heap of trouble heading Lutie’s way.

    When you have a large TBR pile, it’s a job knowing which book to select next, isn’t it? You just want to read them all!!


    1. Oh, I totally agree, Yvonne…sometimes it seems like the pile offers up so many adventures, while at other times, the numbers seem overwhelming. Even though I’ve reduced them substantially during this past year.

      Thanks for stopping by.


    1. I’m curious about what’s going to happen for Lutie, too.

      Oh, and that’s good to hear, Bev (about the blog changes!), as I sometimes wonder if it confuses people…LOL.

      I do enjoy visiting and noticing the various looks of the blogs out there. Plus, in this particular blog of mine, I feel that I have to feature my various family members in turn….

      Thanks for stopping by.


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