Welcome to another day of bookish delight, as we celebrate two events.

Theme Thursdays, hosted by Reading Between Pages, is all about finding themes in the books we read and enjoying the writing styles of the authors we explore.

Booking Through Thursday is like a conversation amongst bloggers in response to a prompt issued each week.

Come on by and join in the fun!

Theme Thursdays:

Our themes will give us a wonderful opportunity to explore and understand different writing styles and descriptive approaches adopted by authors.

DRINKS , tea, wine, beer, water (anything liquid)


I’m excerpting today from Reel Life, by Jackie Townsend.Β  Sisters are meant to always be there for each other, or are they? In the glare of reality, clashing views and acts of betrayal can form unbridgeable gaps, and the fabric of sisterly love must be rewoven from whole cloth. Reel Life, the debut novel by Jackie Townsend, charts the story of two sisters who must call upon the past to forge a new and meaningful connection.Β  Reel Life offers a poignant close-up of the most intimate of relationships that move, confuse, haunt, and heal. Surging with drama interlaced with subtle irony, Reel Life will shock, surprise and move anyone who understands that sometimes, escaping reality offers the clearest path to emotional truth.

Snippet:Β  (2003:Β  Jamie is on her way to Thailand from LA)

The plane hit some bumps, and she gripped the armrest with one hand, while waving the steward over for some champagne with the other.Β  Turbulence never used to bother her, but it had been two years since she had flown, and alcohol seemed to help.Β  p. 15

(My go-to drink when flying!)


Booking Through Thursday – (Prompt):

Heidi had an assortment of questions to ask:

Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert?

That’s not so easy to answer.Β  Years ago, I would have said “introvert,” but then I had a career in social work, in which I had to put myself out there; I had to approach strangers in tricky situations and win them over.Β  Gain their trust.Β  And then I had to keep doing that over and over every day.

It got easier, but even though I hung in there, doing that for more than three decades, I have always preferred quiet, bookish events….or my own company, along with a good book.

I guess I have a split personality!Β  lol

Did I manage to move out of my comfort zone?Β  I definitely did that, and most people I know have a hard time reconciling that person with the quiet “hermit” they now see in my free lance life.Β  But these days I’m doing what truly brings me comfort and joy.

But I emerge from my office cave every now and then to socialize, and I even enjoy it.

Interesting question…what about the rest of you?Β  What is your style?Β  Where are you most comfortable?


    1. Thanks, TCAbn….I like the way you put that; you “embraced” your inner introvert.

      Acknowledging who we are and what gives us comfort and pleasure is definitely an important truth to learn.

      Glad you could stop by…..


    1. Yes, that’s a good way to put it, Cathy…I’m not a gemini, but I’m on the cusp between Scorpio and Libra….maybe that explains some of it…lol

      Thanks for visiting, and enjoy your weekend.


  1. Good answer for the BTT. I think it is important to put yourself out there and leave your comfort zone. It definitely helps. I think the people you are with can change how shy you are. Thanks for stopping by.


    1. I completely agree, Megan….we can exercise a choice in the matter, and expand our horizons. Just as we do when we go outside our reading “comfort zones.”

      Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your weekend.


  2. cherylmash

    I, too, enjoy my introverted times when I am either reading or at the computer drafting posts. But am quite the chatter box when out and/or “talking” to cyber friends. Thanks for stopping by today. Have a great weekend.


  3. +JMJ+

    I’m here from the Theme Thursday link up and mine snippet was about alcohol, too! I’ve had some red wine on a flight (if I recall correctly), but never champagne.

    A few months ago, I read a great book about the Myers-Briggs Personality Types: The Art of Speedreading People. According to the authors, introversion and extroversion refer to how we recharge our batteries (whether it’s in solitude or in company), but that while we all have a preference for one of these functions, we can learn to exercise the other just like any other skill.


  4. As I read a lot of the answers yesterday, I think we all have a little of both in our personalities. But mostly I would have to say I am an introvert. I like my quiet time.

    Thanks for stopping by my post yesterday. I’ve been having some computer troubles, so am trying to catch up today, before it shuts down on me again.


    1. I’ve noticed that many of us do have a little of both, Gigi Ann. Oh, I hope your computer issues are resolved…I really worry about mine all the time, since it’s getting up there in years. Thanks for stopping by.


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