Today is Day 3, and here’s the topic.  Click the picture to your left to visit the hosting page:

Book bloggers can be some of the most influential people around!  Today we invite you to share with us a book or genre you tried due to the influence of another blogger.  What made you cave in to try something new and what was the experience like?

That’s difficult to answer, since there have been many books that I’ve thought about over the years, and when I’ve seen them spotlighted on a blog, I think: why not?

But if there was one powerful flash that seemed to hit and circle around the blogosphere, I guess I would say it was the 50th anniversary spotlight of To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee; I hadn’t read it before!

So when I did, I felt cozy and warm and like a member of a really unique group of individuals who enjoy classic literature.


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Amy…I didn’t even read it in high school, because it came out the year I graduated. Then, in college, there were other books the professors assigned…Alas!

      But I’m glad I finally read it!


    1. I must admit, Miz Tipsy (Good “name” for your blog! lol), I haven’t yet. But I will! I’ve been clicking around and visiting blogs, but I’m making a note to go back to your link. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. This is a fantastic book & amazingly her only one, because she’d said what she had wanted. It leaves one wondering what else she could have written if she had found the right inspiration


    1. I graduated from high school the year it came out (I know, giving away my age here!), so I didn’t have the chance then, which was probably just as well; in college, the focus was on other books, for some reason. It took a long time for me to get to it, but I really, really enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by, Lit Omnivore.


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