Sparks are flying around the blogosphere again today, as we join in with Alyce, At Home With Books, to showcase our Saturday Snapshots.

Recently, I shared some photos of a house where I lived when my oldest was a toddler.  There were “before and after twenty years” shots.

This week, I leafed through another old album and found these shots from 2004, when my family spent a Thanksgiving with me in the foothills.

This shot is of some of the grandchildren playing in a “fort” (treehouse) that they enjoyed.


And in this one, my second son is enjoying time with the youngest grandson, Noah, when he was not yet two.  I enjoyed those blond curls!

The border of eucalyptus trees was always one of my favorite things about the huge yard we had. 

This portion of the yard was to the right of the guesthouse where Noah and his parents lived at the time.

And here’s an updated version of the guesthouse (a couple years later), which I’ve shared before in another story.


So what are the rest of you spotlighting today?  I can’t wait to see!


    1. Oh, the kids all loved it…although sometimes I worried about them climbing up there.

      I am glad I have the photo to remember these moments, as the treehouse is no longer there. We sold the houses five years ago, and when I went out there recently, there were many changes. It is now up for sale again. I was the second owner.

      Thanks for stopping by, Trish, and enjoy your weekend.


  1. Wonderful photos! And I am with you on the blond little boy curls – don’t you just HATE it when the time comes to cut them off! (I have four sons myself!)


    1. I loved climbing trees…I had a favorite fig tree, with the bumps on the trunk that gave purchase….

      And yes, those curls are my fave, too.

      Thanks for stopping by, Leslie, and enjoy your weekend.


    1. Yes, eucalyptus trees definitely have a unique scent. I miss it sometimes.

      My granddaughter and I drove out there a few weeks ago, because that house is for sale again (I sold it five years ago). She was very excited to stroll around, checking things out, and remembering when it was ours.

      Thanks for stopping by, Nise, and have a great weekend.


  2. What great times! It reminds me of the treehouse my hubby cobbled together for our son. He and his friends loved it as much as your grandkids do. Sooo cute! I also like the way you posted the image – the border is great. At my site I posted about a Saturday Snapshot plus a book you might want to read your grandkids. I hope you will check it out!


    1. Thanks, Sim, and I loved the old fort, too; my youngest son built it when he and his family were living in the guesthouse (before Noah and family took up residence).

      Glad you could stop by, and enjoy your weekend.


    1. I do enjoy remembering those times, Diane. Even though I prefer living in the city again, sometimes I’m wistful for the quiet times of the “country.” Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend.


    1. I had forgotten that I had this photo…and I was searching for another one when I discovered it, but never found it. Before the fort, there was a tire swing in one of the trees.

      And yes, I was sad when his mom cut his hair….

      Thanks for visiting, Louise, and I’ve enjoyed the trip down memory lane. Have a great weekend.


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