Welcome to another day of bookish delight, as we celebrate two events.

Theme Thursdays, hosted by Reading Between Pages, is all about finding themes in the books we read and enjoying the writing styles of the authors we explore.

Booking Through Thursday is like a conversation amongst bloggers in response to a prompt issued each week.

Come on by and join in the fun!


Our themes give us a wonderful opportunity to explore and understand different writing styles and descriptive approaches adopted by authors.

The theme for this week is

DAY Weekdays or actual day usage etc.


My selection today is A Tale of Two Sisters, by Anna Maxted, a book that has been resting on my TBR stacks for quite awhile.Β  Ms. Maxted has created an unforgettable story of siblings in the best of times and the worst of times in London.



Snippet:Β  Tabitha and Jeremy lived next door, and from the day we moved in and Tabitha knocked with champagne, they were determined to love us.Β  p. 3


Booking: Do Over:

Sally asks:

Have you ever bought a book, started reading it and then realised you have already read it? If so, how far did you get? (Can you tell this happened to me for the first time ever this week!?!)


No…but I have picked up a book in the bookstore, because the cover drew me in…and I had read other books by the author, only to come home and see that I already had it!Β  And had read it….Duh!

And sometimes, I read a blurb in a book and think…oh, good, only to realize that I’ve read it.Β  Usually I realize before buying it, though…lol

What about you?Β  Have you had these kinds of do-overs?


  1. Great BTT. I think it happens to the best of us. It is a shame if it happens after buying, but I suppose it’s a good reason to take a trip to a used bookstore or give to a friend. =) Thanks for stopping by!


  2. I have bought too many that I have already read, since I am an avid life long reader and suffer from senior moments lol. Thankfully now I have a ss and do the majority of purchasing online. Thank you for stopping by today. Have a fantastic weekend!!


    1. Yes, I realized after I wrote this that I also once bought something from a book club that I’d already ordered on Amazon…lol

      I gave the extra one to a friend, so that worked out. Thanks for visiting, Cheryl, and enjoy your books!


  3. I have brought books and got home only to realize that I already own it but have not read it yet.

    I think I would be instant friends with anyone that showed up at my door with champagne too.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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