Welcome to another edition of Saturday Snapshot, hosted by Alyce, At Home With Books.    Join us in igniting our creative sparks and sharing what we (or friends/family) have captured.  Our snapshots can be old or new, just as long as they’re appropriate for all eyes.

Today I’m sharing new photos from last Saturday’s get-together with my second son, his three kids, and two of my other grandkids.

I realized as they lined up for their photo that the five participants in this event are all teens.  To enlist their cooperation, I gave them “permission” to use their “devices” while I snapped this first one, as they were constantly on them anyway.

And this next photo includes all the kids, as well as my son Brett.


The youngest of this group is thirteen, while the girls are fourteen and the two oldest boys are sixteen.

As a strange kind of fluke, the two oldest were born only days apart, as were the two girls.


What photos are you sharing today?  I can’t wait to see, so please stop by with your links….


    1. Oh, we did, Cecilia….I so look forward to these get-togethers. My youngest grandson (who is eight) missed out on this one due to other plans. He enjoyed seeing the photos. Thanks for stopping by.


    1. I’m not surprised at their difficulty in “unplugging,” since I have the same problem! But with me, it’s the computer, not a cell phone. I’m not really a cell phone fan.

      Thanks for stopping by, Bev.


  1. That made me laugh.. they got to use their devices. The young people I know are NEVER without their gadgets while I can misplace my phone for hours and never miss it!


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