
Welcome to our regular feature, Saturday Snapshot, our opportunity to showcase photos we or friends and family have captured.  The event is now hosted by West Metro Mommy.

Today’s feature will showcase some of this past week’s activities, from relaxing to “book purging.”

Sparky and Friends:  Patio Reading
Sparky and Friends: Patio Reading


Weird greenery
Weird greenery


This greenery is weeds, I’m sure, as it sprang up out of nowhere.   But it kind of grew on me…and it’s better than plain walls!



Boxed Books from the Purge
Boxed Books from the Purge


Then I boxed up some books from shelves in the hall and my bedroom….to free up shelves, like the ones you’ll see below:


Two bottom shelves are empty!
Two bottom shelves are empty!


And more freed-up shelves:






And there is new space available on the top shelf below:



Relaxing and purging….what a week!  What did your week look like?


  1. Oh! Doesn’t it feel good to find space for new books. I give away a lot of my books and donate to the library. I live in a small apt. so I have to purge once in awhile. One of the reasons I got my e-readers was because of the small space I have to work with, now I carry my library with me. Actually, I hardly leave home without an e-reader or book in my purse. I loved the weed, it knew you had an empty space that needed some greenery. ; )


    1. It does….and now I don’t have to worry about where to put the books that are waiting to be read. I like having an e-reader, too, and find that I get most of my new books for it. Thanks for stopping by, Gigi Ann. And I don’t leave home without Sparky or a book.


  2. I like your weird greenery too.
    I have been looking at my bookshelves and thinking I really need to clean them up. Difficult to give up some of the books but the ones in the den are only gathering dust. I have to see if they would be good for church or library.
    Glad you enjoyed your reading and purging.


    1. Yes, the greenery seems to artfully wend its way upward….so until it’s ugly, it stays!

      I have avoided big purges for the past six years, but when I started, it was almost hard to stop! But I like thinking of recycling them I also have a huge stack in my office nook that are for giveaways that I’m doing every month. They’re in my Curl up with Books Reading Room at the Curl up and Read blog.

      Thanks for stopping by, Martha E, and enjoy your weekend.


  3. That’s a cute little birdhouse!
    I have a huge big square bookshelf, so I have lots of space to cram in stuff, but it’s good to clear some of it out now and then. I get a lot of books second hand from charity shops and donate them back when I get too many ; )


    1. My son built that birdhouse, along with several others I have inside my house.

      Yes, my two big shelves in the living room might be the next place to purge….but I think I’ll wait for a bit. Thanks for stopping by, Nicole, and enjoy your weekend.


  4. Love the random green on your porch! This week was all about picking strawberries and doing some volunteer work … this weekend is all about working in my flower gardens … doing some weeding and setting some traps for some bad moles who are wreaking havoc … varmints! And aren’t you good to purge the book shelves! I always have trouble deciding which books to donate to the library book sale, but … it must be done!


    1. I know…deciding is hard. But when I grabbed each of them, I realized that many of them I scarcely remember reading, so they couldn’t have been favorites….right?

      I think strawberry picking sounds wonderful! Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for visiting, Susan.


    1. I have a lot of hardcovers, but the paperbacks are easier to let go…for me. I got rid of the tiny mass market paperbacks (most of them) when I moved here. But I kept a few from favorite authors.

      Thanks for visiting, Deb, and enjoy your weekend.


    1. I did buy more shelves along the way, but when they all filled up, I knew I couldn’t avoid it any longer…unless I put shelves on the ceilings! lol

      Thanks for visiting, Christine, and enjoy your weekend.


    1. Oh, I know, Jackie…when I moved in here (six years ago), I did a lot of that too. And a little bit of it a couple of years ago. This purge was a bit more extensive, but I know there are more to go….but not yet! Thanks for stopping by.


    1. They’re going to the library collections drive….when it comes up again. I missed the last one. Thanks for stopping by, Fran, and I enjoy the patio reading, but I can only do it in the morning. The rest of the day is too hot.


    1. I suspect that I won’t be doing any more for awhile…but who knows? When the urge strikes, it’s time to purge! lol

      Thanks for stopping by, Sue, and have a great weekend. Today I’ve been reading and watching movies.


  5. You ended up purging quite a few books. I usually do only a box or two at a time. It’s hard to part with them.

    Your weird greenery looks like a Tree of Heaven. That’s the tree from the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. They pretty much grow anywhere and some people would call them a weed.


    1. This was the biggest purge since I moved in here. That time, I mostly purged paperbacks.

      Ah, the greenery has a name! I actually like it, and I don’t know how it started growing…but there is also more that looks like a tree with figs!

      Thanks for visiting, Leslie, and have a great weekend.


      1. I’m not positive about the tree ID, but it does resemble it. A fig tree would be nice. I suppose as long as it’s not something nasty like poison ivy I would let it stay!


    1. I bought two new shelves in the last couple of years, just to avoid purging. And I even put books in weird places, like the dining room cupboards and a wrought iron shelf in the bathroom.

      But when I started running out of space there, I knew it was time. Thanks for stopping by, Lisa…glad you enjoyed the post.


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